First rain, then comes the golden fall

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Here is the detailed forecast for today and the coming days.

A warm front brings autumn heat
The north side of the Alps and the northeast will be dominated by dense clouds, and rain will fall from time to time. However, this will mostly be light rain, bringing only small amounts. The snow line will initially be lower but will rise to an altitude of around 1300 to 1800 meters during the day. In contrast, the weather on the southern side of the Alps and in southern Austria will be friendlier. There will be occasional sunshine here, but there may also be isolated light rainfall. Along the eastern edge of the Alps, the north-westerly wind will remain brisk during the day, while in the other regions, it will be rather light near the ground. In the morning, temperatures will range between 4 and 11 degrees. Daytime highs will reach 8 to 16 degrees.

Plenty of sunshine on Sunday
Sunday begins in the northern and eastern parts of Austria with residual clouds from the night and fog and high fog, which will dissipate at different rates. In all other regions, the day will start with sunshine. From the afternoon onwards, sunny weather will prevail across the country. Towards evening, however, the first cloud disturbances will move from the west to Vorarlberg (Austria’s westernmost province). The wind will remain mainly weak; in the east, it will sometimes blow moderately from a northwesterly direction. Early temperatures will range from 2 to 11 degrees, with highs from 10 to 17 degrees during the day.

Monday is sunny and cloudless
On Monday, Austria will initially remain under the influence of an intermediate high, which will be characterized by sunny and cloudless weather. In the east and north lowlands, as well as in the inner Alpine valleys and basins, there will initially be persistent patches of fog and high mist. The sun will often shine away from these foggy areas, and sunny weather will prevail in many places as the day progresses. However, increasingly dense clouds will move in from the west and southwest from the afternoon onwards, although they will hardly bring any rain for now. Weak to moderate winds from the east to southwest. Early temperatures will be between 3 and 12 degrees. Daytime highs will range from 14 to 23 degrees, with the western half of Austria seeing the warmest temperatures.

Tuesday: The next low brings a cloud front
A south-westerly high current will dominate the weather on Tuesday. In the east valleys, basins, and lowlands, the day will begin with fog patches or high fog, but these will largely clear during the day. Most of the country will then enjoy intermittent sunshine, but dense cloud fields will move in from the west, causing rain, especially in Vorarlberg (west of Austria), East Tyrol (in the south), and Upper Carinthia (in the south). The wind will be mostly moderate, with some brisk to strong southerly winds in the east. There will be a foehn-like southerly wind at higher altitudes and on the northern side of the Alps. Early temperatures will range between 7 and 12 degrees, with daytime highs reaching 14 to 25 degrees. The highest temperatures are expected along the northern side of the Alps and in the northern Alpine foothills.

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